SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !


    Présidente :
    Activité :
    0 connectée(s)
    5 membres
    510 messages postés
    Date de création :
    le 02/02/2014 à 02:01

    Modifié le 31/03/2014


    Your Inner Troll



    Welcome one and all to my new club, Your Inner Troll, or YIT in short.  

    This club consists of finding and bonding with your inner troll self. Although, the title is a bit misleading, hrm? By inner troll, it's basically a seperate person you believe you share a mind with. Makes more sence right? (Not really....) Oh shut it, Beacon.


    Basically, when ever your "other persona" wishes to speak, let it! They may characterise their speach by talking INSIDE OF BRACKETS (like this). Like Beacon, my persona/ troll, did earlier. (But what if you want to write inside of brackets, but it's not the persona talking?) Finally! You're asking an appropriate question Beacon! ('Scuse me, what did you say?) If you wish to speak in brackets, simply let your persona speak in a different pare of brackets, like square brackets [like this], or curly brackets {like this}.


    Also, if you're not the brightess apple in the bunch like Beacon, (Wait, what?) You might notice that this club is PURELY ENGLISH. Although, I do accept that you slip some french here and there if you do not know the English translation. (Wait, what did you say earlier about me?) Nothing, Beacon. Also, if you wish to speak with others IN FRENCH, click here.


    Other rules include....

    • NO HEAVY SWEARING (I accept "shut up", "crap", and "shit") If you wish to swear, please write it like this; s*** / F***  or with acronims (shortened words, like bs)
    • BE RESPECTFUL. I know this is a werid concept, but chill out man, we're here to chat and have fun with a new way to talking with personas/trolls (Yeah, as if you're not respecting us personas by calling us trolls.) I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that Beacon.
    • YOU MAY HAVE UP TO 2 PERSONAS, but already that's a bit excesive, am I right?
    • PLEASE NAME YOUR PERSONAS, if you will, they have feelings too. (Woah!) What? (You're actually respecting me!) Oh, quiet you.
    • HAVE FUN! That is our goal here after all. ^^ (Is it really?) Maybe...


    Good Day and Good Night!



    Welcome to the Daily Fox!

    Here, I'll keep everyone up to date of events in the club, as well as all of the members and their personas names. (If you wish to have your name replaced by a nickname, please let me know ^^)



    Members Title Persona
    Yokune (Yokun) President Beacon and Seta
    Nanouke (Nanou) Psycho Spook and Jeremy
    Ayakona (Ayako) In trouble Hamae
    Kayisa Otaku Samuel(deceased) and Katesh
    Hweekang New Blood Ellis
