SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !


Vous n'êtes pas identifié(e).

#1 22/10/2017 à 20:39


I'm new

_ My name is Xiao Hao Mishiyama Misuokenji ^^
I was born on 11/12/2002
I am of Korean origin maternal and Chinese side paternal... And also French of my grandfather But my French is very limited. of the genus; Bonjur, moi ausi and au revoir ^^'
I am in 2 scnd (I hate my teachers they are so boring) XD As a hobby I do kendo in a club in Paris and bike with my father (yes, I know it sucks x)). I have the passion for languages ^^

I knew I really by chance, by a friend, but who has left the game since, because she did not arrive to advanced. But I found the game interesting and I decided to stay there and see what it's going to give.
The first Sailor I spoke to are: Sarriana, ChibiPink and Thenmer/Seyrah super Awesome People
( Sorry the people... XD )
Like other games, I would say _ my bimbo, but most of it is on typical boy games. It's normal in addition XD:) In quality I would say, my kindness, my fidelity as a friend, my compassion and my love of the human being.

My faults I would say, the grudge and the lazy XD
my musical genres its exclusively: K-pop and J-rock. My groups are [BTS, EXO, BLACKPINK, YUZU, DAISUKE MOSHIMO, MARY J, EXID and SISTAR]

My favorite movies Sound: {ça} {Stranger things} {parasite} {Hwarang} {The Mummy} and {Terra formars}
I'm not really in style dress, I just like to feel good in what I wear ^^
On the other hand I hate any form of sports XD (Kendo = martial art) 

I don't really know what I'm going to do later (no comment) I have a cat called Kegumi and a bunny named Cho Kennedy smile

It's over, thanks to you for listening to me

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#2 28/10/2017 à 09:30


Re : I'm new

I wish you a warm welcome in the game. It won't be easy for you to interact with others since most of us here are from French backgrounds, but I sincerely hope you'll have fun in this game !

On n'arrive pas à AceLand en avion, aka en survolant toutes les complications possible. On n'y arrive en marchant, en traversant les forêts des hontes, des peurs, des angoisses, des tristesses et des joies, pour enfin devenir quelqu'un. Un quelqu'un qui sera forgé contre toutes attaques ; prévisible ou non.

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#3 30/10/2017 à 12:40


Re : I'm new

Hey Hi!

I too hope that the arrival on Sailor Fuku is not very complicated and that you will go far. XD

And thanks again for joining my club. wink

Dernière modification par Thenmer (30/10/2017 à 12:44)

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#4 31/10/2017 à 13:49


Re : I'm new

This game is not in french ?

Veni,Vedi,Vici : Je suis venu , J'ai vu, J'ai vaincu .,César
Qui m'aime me suive , Philippe VI
Et pourtant,elle tourne !, Galilée
I have a dream , Martin Luther King

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#5 01/11/2017 à 18:31


Re : I'm new

Yes, obviously! smile

You did not read my presentation, otherwise you would have know that I read French but that I can not write it hmm

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#6 03/11/2017 à 19:11


Re : I'm new

"favourite movie (ça)"

on dit pas "it" en anglais normalement mdr?

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#7 04/11/2017 à 13:53


Re : I'm new

AkaneSun a écrit :

"favourite movie (ça)"

on dit pas "it" en anglais normalement mdr?

Bas si tu regardes en français cela donne "ça" moi j'y suis allée et le titre était "ça" (si tu regardes en français)

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#8 04/11/2017 à 14:52


Re : I'm new

AkaneSun a écrit :

"favourite movie (ça)"

on dit pas "it" en anglais normalement mdr?

Yes, you are right, but I call it like this because in Daegu, when I looked at it the first time and bah the title that was there, you guessed it was (ça)
So I really don't know what you're talking about. Since the International title is (ça)

And it's great because you corrected me, which proves that you read well until the end. (At least I think so.)

But when you laugh at the fact that I didn't make myself clear, I don't think it's funny or nice coming from you.

Dernière modification par Xiao_Hao (04/11/2017 à 15:21)

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#9 07/11/2017 à 22:48


Re : I'm new

Hey welcome !

You said you do kendo in Paris, you live in France then ? Since when ?
And what languages do you speak ? smile

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#10 08/11/2017 à 13:33


Re : I'm new

Infires a écrit :

Hey welcome !

You said you do kendo in Paris, you live in France then ? Since when ?
And what languages do you speak ? smile

Yes Infires, I live in France, since 11 August exactly smile
I speak Korean, English and Chinese.

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#11 08/11/2017 à 18:53


Re : I'm new

And why did you come to France ? Did your parents decide to move ?

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#12 08/11/2017 à 22:51


Re : I'm new

Hey all right ?? smile

Dernière modification par Thenmer (08/11/2017 à 22:52)

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#13 08/11/2017 à 23:13


Re : I'm new

Infires a écrit :

And why did you come to France ? Did your parents decide to move ?

Yes, if we came to France it's because of my father's work:)

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#14 08/11/2017 à 23:18


Re : I'm new

Thenmer a écrit :

Hey all right ?? smile

Yes Thenmer and you ? What's up ?

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